Welcome! If you came from a search engine, what you're looking for is probably in a previous post.
Try searching in the box to your left.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

TrafficSwarm--Free traffic for your website

Traffic swarm is not quite a traffic exchange--it's more of a view-exchange.
Basically, you earn credits by viewing others' websites.
Now don't think people are going to cheat you of your points by just clicking on your link
and leaving immediately: this system was carefully designed to not let you earn credits
unless you stay at a page for more than twenty seconds!
In other words, you get real traffic!

Go to the TrafficSwarm website here.

Added note--You can also find lots of interesting websites using this system!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Two of the best free web host directories

I have found that these two webhost directories have been very helpful to me when I'm looking for a better free webhost:

FreeWebSpace.net is the first guide to free webhosts that I found, and it also says that it is the largest webhoting guide on the internet, so you might find more choices there.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

CSS Layout--Layout of the future

CSS makes it easy to layout your website. The great advantage (in some cases) of have CSS instead of the traditional frames is that CSS allows you to put all the information of the webpage in that page while frames require you to create the "frame" page, a center content page to put in the "frame" page, and probably a menu page too. CSS puts it all into the page itself, then lays the elements of the page out according to what you specified in the CSS style sheet.
Search google for 'CSS Layout' to learn all about it.

Another advantage of using CSS is that you can use a style sheet repeatedly in lots of pages to maintain the same layout in every page, whereas with frames, everypage with frames has to have the frames code in it. To use this feature of CSS, put your CSS layout code in file, and name it [yourname.css]. Then in the page you want to use that layout, put this come in the <head> part of the document:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylelayout.css" media="screen, print">

Then, surround the each of the content sections (e.g. menu, content, sidebar) in the &lt;body> part of your website with these tags

The names of the id's don't matter, just make sure the id names in the CSS style sheet and the ones in the div tag are the same. Each content section has to have a different id

Happy CSSing!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Email for your website

I have been looking some time for a free, customizable email service for you own website.
NOTE: most of these services require you to have a domain.

These services are the ones I 've found so far:

Content for your blog or website

Want to add more free content onto your blog or website?
Freesticky.com and Findsticky.com have lots of add-ons for your web page or blog,
including news, Jokes-for-the-day, email for your website, quote of the day, and seriously,
lots, lots, more.

They also feature some tools for your website--check them out.

Friday, October 13, 2006

50webs--web host with no-ads, and ample storage

Chapter 1
If you have been web host that's free, and has no ads, and has enough storage,
and gives enough bandwidth, and allows editing through FTP (the good webhosts are so, so, hard to find), you KNOW (like me) that it is near impossible to find a free host that supports these requirements.
Chapter 2

Welcome to Chapter 2. You are about to enter into a host that has been tailor-made to fit my needs. Check this out: www.50webs.com. It's a webhost that's free, and has no ads, and has enough storage, and gives enough bandwidth. (the good webhosts are so, so, hard to find) This host is highly recommended.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Bravenet--The web host with the best user interface

If you're looking for a host that's extremely easy to use, pick Bravenet.
Its website editing interface is one of the very best online editing tools,
letting you do everything from see the list of your files to editing HTML and
WYSIWYG--all in the same screen!!

Bravenet's HUGE array of copy-and-paste tools are also amazing!
Polls, Hit Counters, Message Forums, Password Protect, and a whole lot
of other codes are ALL copy 'n paste.

But beware: If you use CSS to layout your site, I wouldn't recommend Bravenet
for your host, because the ad seems to set off the layout.
Even so, Bravenet is still the choice provider of tools for your website.

How to...Make Text Blink

Ever wondered how to make text blink?
Here's how:
Simply surround the text you want to make blink with the blink tag, like this:

<blink>text here</blink>

While some people think this is distracting, and it sometimes is, it's a nice effect if you use it once in a while!
One more thing:
<blink> does not work in Microsoft's Internet Explorer-it will simply show up as static text.

The HTML Zone

The HTML Zone!!!

The HTML Zone, HTML and Website Help of all sorts, is here!
Hopefully there will be lots of useful info over time.