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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Analyzing Website Statistics

I was looking through AngleBracket's visitor statistics and found some interesting things:

-The average visit length to Anglebracket was less than five seconds. Have to improve on getting people's attention.

-Google provides most of the hits to this blog. One more reason to polish up on your SEO so Google will rank your pages higher, by reading some of AngleBracket's SEO posts.

-91.96% of hits from search engines were from Google.

-Most visitors were from the U.S. Next was Finland. Very strange, I agree.

-More visitors came when AngleBracket was updated more.

-Firefox 2.0 was the prevalent browser. In second place was Firefox 3. In third place was IE7, and in fourth, Firefox 3.01. Firefox rules! (Actually, in fifth place was IE6)

-99.39% of visitors had screen resolutions higher than 1000xSomething.

And finally, some interesting search terms I noticed:

firefox friendly make you website

how to make a form where ppl enter stuff on a website
ftplive safe