CSS makes it easy to layout your website. The great advantage (in some cases) of have CSS instead of the traditional frames is that CSS allows you to put all the information of the webpage in that page while frames require you to create the "frame" page, a center content page to put in the "frame" page, and probably a menu page too. CSS puts it all into the page itself, then lays the elements of the page out according to what you specified in the CSS style sheet.
Search google for 'CSS Layout' to learn all about it.
Another advantage of using CSS is that you can use a style sheet repeatedly in lots of pages to maintain the same layout in every page, whereas with frames, everypage with frames has to have the frames code in it. To use this feature of CSS, put your CSS layout code in file, and name it [yourname.css]. Then in the page you want to use that layout, put this come in the <head> part of the document:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylelayout.css" media="screen, print">
Then, surround the each of the content sections (e.g. menu, content, sidebar) in the <body> part of your website with these tags
The names of the id's don't matter, just make sure the id names in the
CSS style sheet and the ones in the div tag are the same. Each content section has to have a different id