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Monday, June 18, 2007

SEO Knowledge 1

This is the first post of what will be a series of Posts on general SEO knowledge.

If you haven't already read the first post on basic SEO, read it now.

Here are a few things every SEO should know:

  1. Google does not like duplicate content. Do not copy other's articles, or content, because that will not help your ranking at all. Google actually knows which website had the content first, so they won't rank that one down.
  2. The text on links have less effect on what the page ranks well for, after some people created thousands of links to President Bush's website with 'miserable failure' as the link text, and when one searched for the string 'miserable failure,' his website would come up.
  3. Write naturally. SE's like naturally styled content, not keyword stuffed trash.
  4. Avoid buying links. Google does not like them and might penalize your site.
That's all for now. Check back later for more tips!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for advices, it is nice to know how to get Google "pleased" with our sites

    Best regards,
