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Saturday, February 24, 2007

Important tips for email marketers

I'm not an email marketer. In fact, I'm far from one.

Needless to say, if you've clicked on the TrafficSwarm or InstantBuzz ads
and have signed up for the average 'free offer,' your email is sure to be barraged with-

"How this guy made 291239.23 in one month from Adsense alone" or
"Mr X will be making a secret call exposing the secrets of Internet Marketing."

-and the like.

When you sign up, they say they "will not rent sell, give way, exchange your email address",
which is good of course, but the emails from them alone are already cluttering every nook of
my inbox. I unsubscribe quickly.

Although I myself am not a email marketer, I do have a few suggestions:

1. Keep the email short.
Most people are BUSY. They will delete your email.
(or worse, unsubscribe)

2. Try very, very hard not to
send emails every day. It kills the effect.
Try to remember: It is annoying.
Instead, try to send emails, every three or four days,
with some free stuff occasionally.

3. Don't stuff your email with affiliate links,
or "recommends" time, after time, after time.
I've subscribed to a list that send me about ten
"recommends" every day; the list was called
"The Best Ezine." (name changed slightly)

4. Make it useful. Think as if you were the average person
reading your email.

The bottom line, and Golden Rule of Email Marketing:
Email unto others what you would have them email unto you.

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